
The new grafting robot EMP-300 allows to graft vegetables with flexible tweezers that hold the graft. The mechanical and the adjustments are very simple, it’s designed to allow a comfortable and effective work.
The cut unit can work changing the cut angle configuration between (20º-30º-40º). Whit simple adjustments the machine can graft diferent plants and balled sizes.
This tweezers are made with a flexible material designed especially to ensure the fixation. There are diferent sizes and they incorporate a orifice that allows to address the graft.
The cut unit can work changing the cut angle configuration between (20º-30º-40º). Whit simple adjustments the machine can graft diferent plants and balled sizes.
This tweezers are made with a flexible material designed especially to ensure the fixation. There are diferent sizes and they incorporate a orifice that allows to address the graft.
The cut blades of the plant are very easy to replace, and the interchangeable haed cut allows diferents cut angles.
The tweezers for the graft are availabe in diferents diameters, and they are suplied in rolls. The machine feeds hisself cutting individually every tweezer at the graft moment.
An acurate desing with a simple mechanical allows to ensure the most accuracy and reability on each of the grafts.
The units cut incorporate a disinfection system either configurable.